Friday, August 08, 2008

THIS is why Senators shouldn't be President

Oddly enough, I'm not just taking aim at Barack Obama today. . .but he is my leadoff batter:

Obama accuses Republicans ("they") of being ignorant (as reported on

This is the kind of thing they do. I don’t understand it,” Obama said at a town hall meeting in Berea, Ohio, Tuesday. “Two points: One, they know they are lying about what my energy plan is, but the other thing is they are making fun of a step that every expert says would absolutely reduce our oil consumption by 3 to 4 percent.

“It’s like these guys take pride in being ignorant,” he said.

Wow. I mean, WOW! I don't know which "guys" he's referring to, but I'm pretty sure that there are a large number of people who he intended to be lumped in that group who are anything BUT ignorant, especially on this topic.

But here's my point: Senators aren't helping the "tenor" of the debate in this country when they classify large swaths of the country as "ignorant". It's just a slightly more bald-faced episode of snobbiness than his infamous Crackerquiddick rant.

Now, to the old, white-haired dude: McCain shows his Senatorial chops--when he should show leadership:

"McCain had offered to come off the campaign trail if Barack Obama would also agree to do so and join Congress in an open debate and an open vote to rescind the federal moratorium on drilling in the OCS and interior." (as reported by Ed Morrissey at HotAir)

SO, Senator McCain, WHY must you wait for Obama to agree to joining you in Washington? Are the happenings in the nation's capitol not important enough to you to act unilaterally?

Senators get a rap, whether it be a good rap or a bad rap, of being more negotiator and less leader. Well, McCain embodies that with this pass. I know, I know, he has definitely been on the cutting edge of legislative accomplishments and other things along those lines. And personally I don't question his leadership normally. . .but here is a GOLDEN opportunity for him to show real leadership, all while drawing a stark contrast to Obama (who isn't even the voice of the Democrat party on this issue) AND bringing extra attention to the GOP protest. This is as much of a win-win situation as he's likely to find. . .and he throws the ball in the other guy's court.

Pretty weak.

The worst part of all is that there was a very limited window to REALLY make a difference by joining this protest, but that window has closed now that the opening ceremonies for the Olympics are tomorrow. Sure, if McCain goes it will still draw at least a slight increase in attention to the GOPs actions on the Hill--but the point of maximum effect has already passed.

What a waste!


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