Friday, August 07, 2009

What we're up against

Many a strategist has written that in order to defeat an enemy, you must first identify it.

That is the most important "next step" to the anti-health insurance reform movement taking form in a good portion of this country.

Because as I sit here watching and reading about these town halls, where intelligent questions are being asked in intelligent manners and where emotion is obviously present in surplus, I'm wondering how it is that the Congresscritters aren't "getting" that the game has changed?

Here's what I've arrived at: the game has changed. But not in the way us protesters think it has changed.

We are becoming vocal because we think a strong show of non-support for the health insurance initiatives will help convince our representatives to seriously consider their options, lest they be seen as untrustworthy by their constituents.

Such a fear used to mean something.

Today. . .not so much.

Today, our Congresspeople don't fear us more than they fear the administration. And THAT is what we are up against.

Let's face it, this administration--for all its bumbles--has been remarkably successful with their agenda. Stimulus plan? Check. Control over major production sectors of the economy? Check. Maintain total control over mass media outlets? Check. Stare Congress in the eye and make them cave? Check Check Check. (Think F-22 and the second go-around for Cash 4 Clunkers) Heck, even the stock market is going like gangbusters and unemployment almost unfathomably moved in the right direction in July (if you believe the numbers. I don't, but that's not a point for discussion here) And did I see a poll the other day that showed a vast majority of respondents found his performance on foreign affairs to be acceptable? That kind of support for a man who has done nothing but apologize for our country while standing on the wrong side of freedom time and again? For all the dissatisfaction that you and I might feel, I'm pretty sure the President isn't losing sleep at night.

This administration has advocated actions and positions that most people don't think are possible in mainstream America. How on earth can an administration cease a prosecution on criminals engaging in electoral intimidation and NOT have that be the #1 story until course is reversed? Elections are the heart of democracy, and once they lose legitimacy--once the idea that we are all given a say in the process, free of fear or reprisal for voting our conscience--the democracy isn't far from ending. And yet, our DoJ stopped the prosecution of guilty (by default) criminals who engaged in this activity. And I'm sure you're just sick and tired of hearing about this. . .right? (Don't worry, I'll forgive you if you aren't aware of what I'm saying--most people aren't)

And Congress has taken notice of these actions by the White House. Those "moderates" that hold the key to stopping Obamacare, Limit and Tax and every other bit of the left's wish list are probably as sensitive to the shenanigans taking place in the West Wing as are the most conspiratorial of right wingers.

Now, you MUST understand the great truth about all of the elected officials that work in DC: once they show up in the Capitol, their sole purpose in life is to get re-elected.

Spare me the charges of cynicism because that statement above is the absolute truth. . .and in fact, it's a necessary evil of the system. If these folks didn't care about re-election, heaven only knows the stuff that might get passed into law. (Actually, I think we're finding out almost every day just what DOES happen when people don't worry about re-election)

Sure, these critters will tell you, it's great to win elections because your constituents vote you back into office. . .but that's not the ONLY way to win elections.

It is, however, the only way to win an election in THIS political climate if THIS White House doesn't have your back. And if you, Mr. Congressperson, only have one avenue at your avail to get back into office, well, that's like only having a 50/50 chance of succeeding. But if you cozy up with the administration--especially an administration that has anti-democracy resources at its fingertips like this one does--you run a might better chance than 50/50. Friends of Obama will not go down--not while he has the means to keep them in office.

And the critters know that. And that is why I fear all the town halls and all the letters and phone calls in the world won't matter: they are a weapon from a bygone era, when our representatives understood that they answer to the people.

The enemy, my friends, is not these Representatives. Granted, they are tools, and a good number of them are about as admirable as my shower scum--but they are not the enemy.

The enemy is the fear the administration CAN put into play to get Congress to bend to Obama's whim.

So how to combat that? I have one word for you: influence. We need to fight the war on influence.

The administration uses the specter of ACORN, SEIU, etc. and their possible influence at the ballot box as a weapon.

We need to get those weapons off the playing field.

Every person who was turned away from a town hall because of SEIU needs to sue them.

Every person who was physically assaulted at the hands of SEIU goons needs to sue them. In fact, every person who plans on going to a town hall and finds out that SEIU has advertised it, too, needs to seek a block against SEIU's presence at the event--you know, for fear of a physical confrontation that is an established MOU for these guys. After all, it's not the anti-reform movement that broadcast a "hit them twice as hard" message.

Every person who lives in a state where ACORN likely participated in voter fraud needs to sue them.

Let's get their organizations so tied up with litigation that they can't promise to pay their "volunteers" anymore.

And, by the way, let's be sure to make headlines with these actions.

If nothing else, we'll highlight the problem with our current tort system. . .and maybe THAT will turn on some lightbulbs about possible fixes for the current health care problems.

Bear in mind: this is not a PR war. Who cares what the headlines say or how these activities are editorialized.

This is a war to permanently cripple some of the shadiest yet most prominent players on the administration's team. It won't be pretty. . .but it is absolutely necessary.

And soon.


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